Financial Aid
Yes, we offer financial aid for all levels, Infant/Toddler to 12th Grade.
Applications are submitted through FACTS, an outside company, that processes them in a comprehensive confidential manner enabling us to best allocate limited funds to the families with the greatest need for support.
Financial Aid Application Link
All sections must be completed to be considered for aid. The student’s mother and father’s household(s) income must be included unless evidence of sole custody is provided.
If you already have a FACTS tuition account, simply sign in at the link above. If you do not, please select ‘create an account’.
The system opens in March for the upcoming school year. The application process must be completed by the end of April. Previous year tax documents are required. Notification of the awards are provided in June.
Available aid is distributed on a need-based system rather than first come, first served.
The maximum amount awarded to families demonstrating the most need is 30%. Less may be awarded based on the financial situation or the number of families qualifying for assistance.
Need More Info?
We have done our best to anticipate your questions regarding financial aid. If you would like more info we would love to help you!